Saturday, 21 September 2013


Today, while I was reading a John Berger's excertp, some words came into my mind. It was nothing less than what the professor told us on our first architectural expression lesson: "A single detail makes the diference." Therefore, we could say that the painter, or in my case the architect, looks inside the object / place / building etc. trying to find what makes it unique and special. In this way, the architect, as the observer, portrays the continually changing universe, transforming it into permanent. According to Berger, this cannot be possible unless there is an active "collaboration" between the model (planet ...) and the artist. Although, we cannot forget that the eye plays an essencial role in painting, the technique is necessary, as well. However, even if the technique is required, by itself only creates lifeless art. Finally, just to emphasize that the artist is the receiver, not the creator. 

As Berger sais: "What seems like creation is the act of giving form to what he has received."

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